Package 'lambdr'

Title: Create a Runtime for Serving Containerised R Functions on 'AWS Lambda'
Description: Runtime for serving containers that can execute R code on the 'AWS Lambda' serverless compute service <>. Provides the necessary functionality for handling the various endpoints required for accepting new input and sending responses.
Authors: David Neuzerling [aut, cre], James Goldie [ctb]
Maintainer: David Neuzerling <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.2.6
Built: 2025-02-21 06:16:42 UTC

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lambdr: Create a Runtime for Serving Containerised R Functions on AWS Lambda



This package provides an R runtime for the AWS Lambda serverless compute service. It is intended to be used to create containers that can run on AWS Lambda. lambdr provides the necessary functionality for handling the various endpoints required for accepting new input and sending responses.

This package is unofficial. Its creators are not affiliated with Amazon Web Services, nor is its content endorsed by Amazon Web Services. Lambda, API Gateway, EventBridge, CloudWatch, and SNS are services of Amazon Web Services.

To see an example of how to use this package to create a runtime, refer to vignette("lambda-runtime-in-container", package = "lambdr").

The default behaviour is to convert the body of the received event from JSON into arguments for the handler function using the jsonlite package. For example, a raw event body of {"number": 9} will be converted to list(number = 9). The handler function will then receive the arguments directly after unlisting, eg. number = 9. This works for direct invocations, as well as situations where the user wishes to implement behaviour specific to a trigger.

Some invocation types have their own logic for converting the event body into an R object. This is useful for say, using an R function in a Lambda behind an API Gateway, so that the R function does not need to deal with the HTML elements of the invocation. The below invocation types have custom logic implemented. Refer to the vignettes or the package website for more information.

Alternatively, user-defined functions can be provided for parsing event content and serialising results. The user can also use the identity function as a deserialiser to pass the raw event content — as a string — to the handler function. Refer to lambda_config for more information.

Direct invocations


REST API Gateway invocations

[Experimental] vignette("api-gateway-invocations", package = "lambdr")

HTML API Gateway invocations

[Experimental] vignette("api-gateway-invocations", package = "lambdr")

EventBridge invocations

[Experimental] vignette("eventbridge-and-sns-invocations", package = "lambdr")

SNS invocations

[Experimental] vignette("eventbridge-and-sns-invocations", package = "lambdr")


Maintainer: David Neuzerling [email protected]

Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:

Convert an R object to stringified JSON matching AWS Lambda conventions


Stringified JSON is a string which can be parsed as a JSON. While a standard JSON interpretation of list(number = 9) would be {"number":9}, a stringified JSON representation would be ⁠"{\"number\":9}"⁠.

This function will convert NULL values to JSON "nulls", to match the convention used by Lambda event inputs, and values are automatically unboxed.


as_stringified_json(x, ...)



R object to be converted to stringified JSON.


additional arguments (except auto_unbox and null) passed to toJSON




as_stringified_json(list(number = 9))

Decode a Base64 encoded value to a string


Events coming via an API Gateway can have content with bodies encoded as Base64. This is especially true for HTML API Gateways (as opposed to REST API Gateways).

This function propagates NULLs. That is, from_base64(NULL) returns NULL.





a Base64 string





Prepare a HTML response for a Lambda behind an API Gateway


Lambdas behind API Gateways need to send specially formatted responses that look like this:

  "statusCode": 200,
  "headers": {
    "Content-Type": "application/json"
  "isBase64Encoded": false,
  "body": "{\"best_animal\": \"corgi\"}"

For basic applications where the handler function is returning a simple result, lambdr will do its best to automatically return a result compatible with API Gateways. It will do this whenever an event is detected as having come via an API Gateway. For most purposes this is sufficient, and allows users to focus on the handler function rather than the specifics of how AWS Lambda works.

For more complicated applications, such as when the Lambda needs to return a specific content type or specific headers, may require a bespoke response. This function will take any R object and format it in style of the above example, allowing for customisation.

When the handler function returns a html_response the formatted result will be returned to the API Gateway without further serialisation.


  is_base64 = FALSE,
  status_code = 200L,
  content_type = NULL,
  headers = list()



the actual result to be delivered. This is not serialised in any way, so if this is a list to be interpreted JSON it should be stringified, that is, it should be a string of a JSON. Consider using the as_stringified_json function.


logical which indicates if body is Base64 encoded. Defaults to False.


integer status code of the response. Defaults to 200L (OK).


MIME type for the content. This will be appended to the headers (as "Content-Type"), unless such a value is already provided to headers, in which case this argument is ignored. If not provided then no information on headers will be sent in the response, leaving the beahviour up to the defaults of the API Gateway.


additional headers, as a named list, to be included in the response. If this contains a "Content-Type" value then content_type is ignored.


A stringified JSON response for an API Gateway, with the "already_serialised" attribute marked as TRUE. This will stop serialise_result from attempting to serialise the result again.


html_response("YWJj", is_base64 = TRUE)
html_response("abc", headers = list(x = "a"))
  "<html><body>Hello World!</body></html>",
  content_type = "text/html"

Set up endpoints, variables, and configuration for AWS Lambda


This function provides a configuration object that can be passed to start_lambda. By default it will use the environment variables configured by AWS Lambda and so will often work without arguments.

The most important configuration variable is the handler function which processes invocations of the Lambda. This is configured in any of the three below ways, in order of decreasing priority:

  1. configured directly through the AWS Lambda console

  2. configured as the CMD argument of the Docker container holding the runtime

  3. passed as a value to the handler argument of lambda_config

In the first two options, the handler will be made available to the runtime through the "_HANDLER" environment variable. This function will search for the function in the given environment.

If the handler accepts a context argument then it will receive a list of suitable event context for every invocation. This argument must be named (... will not work), and the configuration may be different for each invocation type. See the section below for more details.


  handler = NULL,
  runtime_api = NULL,
  task_root = NULL,
  deserialiser = NULL,
  serialiser = NULL,
  decode_base64 = TRUE,
  environ = parent.frame()



the function to use for processing inputs from events. The "_HANDLER" environment variable, as configured in AWS, will always override this value if present.


character. Used as the host in the various endpoints used by AWS Lambda. This argument is provided for debugging and testing only. The "AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API" environment variable, as configured by AWS, will always override this value if present.


character. Defines the path to the Lambda function code. This argument is provided for debugging and testing only. The "LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT" environment variable, as configured by AWS, will always override this value if present.


function for deserialising the body of the event. By default, will attempt to deserialise the body as JSON, based on whether the input is coming from an API Gateway, scheduled Cloudwatch event, or direct. To use the body as is, pass the identity function. To ignore the event content, pass function(x) list(). See the vignettes for details on parsing invocations from particular sources.


function for serialising the result before sending. By default, will attempt to serialise the body as JSON, based on the request type. To send the result as is, pass the identity function.


logical. Should Base64 input be automatically decoded? This is only used for events coming via an API Gateway. Complicated input (such as images) may be better left as is, so that the handler function can deal with it appropriately. Defaults to TRUE. Ignored if a custom deserialiser is used.


environment in which to search for the function given by the "_HANDLER" environment variable. Defaults to the parent frame.


As a rule of thumb, it takes longer to retrieve a value from an environment variable than it does to retrieve a value from R. This is because retrieving an environment variable requires a system call. Since the environment variables do not change in a Lambda instance, we fetch them once and store them in a configuration object which is passed to the various internal functions.

AWS Lambda variables

The lambda_config function obtains the configuration values for the Lambda runtime configures the R session for Lambda based on environment variables made available by Lambda. The following environment variables are available:

  • Lambda Runtime API, available as the "AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API" environment variable, is the host of the various HTTP endpoints through which the runtime interacts with Lambda.

  • Lambda Task Root, available as the "LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT" environment variable, defines the path to the Lambda function code. It isn't used in container environments with a custom runtime, as that runtime is responsible for finding and sourcing the function code. Hence, a missing task root is ignored by this package.

  • The handler, available as the "_HANDLER" environment variable, is interpreted by R as the function that is executed when the Lambda is called. This value could be anything, as the interpretation is solely up to the runtime, so requiring it to be a function is a standard imposed by this package.

These handler, runtime_api and task_root arguments to the lambda_config function can also provide values to these configuration options, although the environment variables will always be used if available. While it may be sensible to provide the handler function directly, the other two configuration options are only provided for debugging and testing purposes.

Event context

Context is metadata associated with each invocation. If the handler function accepts a context argument then it will automatically receive at runtime a named list consisting of these values along with the arguments in the body (if any). For example, a function such as my_func(x, context) will receive the context argument automatically. The context argument must be named (... will not work).

Refer to vignette("lambda-runtime-in-container", package = "lambdr") for details.

Start the Lambda runtime


This is the main function of the package, responsible for starting the infinite loop of listening for new invocations. It relies on configuration provided to the config argument and produced by the lambda_config function.


  config = lambda_config(environ = parent.frame()),
  timeout_seconds = NULL



A list of configuration values as created by the lambda_config function.


If set, the function will stop listening for events after this timeout. The timeout is checked between events, so this won't interrupt the function while it is waiting for a new event. This argument is provided for testing purposes, and shouldn't otherwise need to be set: AWS should handle the shutdown of idle Lambda instances.


See vignette("lambda-runtime-in-container", package = "lambdr") for an example of how to use this function to place an R Lambda Runtime in a container.

This package uses the logger package for logging. Debug log entries can be enabled with logger::log_threshold(logger::DEBUG). This will log additional information such as raw event bodies.

Event context

Context is metadata associated with each invocation. If the handler function accepts a context argument then it will automatically receive at runtime a named list consisting of these values along with the arguments in the body (if any). For example, a function such as my_func(x, context) will receive the context argument automatically. The context argument must be named (... will not work).

Refer to vignette("lambda-runtime-in-container", package = "lambdr") for details.

AWS Lambda variables

The lambda_config function obtains the configuration values for the Lambda runtime configures the R session for Lambda based on environment variables made available by Lambda. The following environment variables are available:

  • Lambda Runtime API, available as the "AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API" environment variable, is the host of the various HTTP endpoints through which the runtime interacts with Lambda.

  • Lambda Task Root, available as the "LAMBDA_TASK_ROOT" environment variable, defines the path to the Lambda function code. It isn't used in container environments with a custom runtime, as that runtime is responsible for finding and sourcing the function code. Hence, a missing task root is ignored by this package.

  • The handler, available as the "_HANDLER" environment variable, is interpreted by R as the function that is executed when the Lambda is called. This value could be anything, as the interpretation is solely up to the runtime, so requiring it to be a function is a standard imposed by this package.

These handler, runtime_api and task_root arguments to the lambda_config function can also provide values to these configuration options, although the environment variables will always be used if available. While it may be sensible to provide the handler function directly, the other two configuration options are only provided for debugging and testing purposes.


## Not run: 
# A general usage pattern involves sourcing necessary functions and running
# this `start_lambda` in a `runtime.R` file which is then executed to start
# the runtime. In the following example, the function handler can be set to
# "lambda" either as the container `CMD`, or configured through AWS Lambda.

parity <- function(number) {
  list(parity = if (as.integer(number) %% 2 == 0) "even" else "odd")


# Alternatively, it can be passed as an argument `handler = parity` to
# the lambda configuration. If the handler is configured through other means
# then this will be ignored:

start_lambda(config = lambda_config(handler = parity))

## End(Not run)

Raise an error with an optional HTML status code for API Gateways


This variation of stop can be used to raise an error with a specific error code. This is provided to the API Gateway to return an appropriate response. It had no use outside of invocations via an API Gateway.

If a status code is not provided, a generic "500" internal server error will be used.


stop_html(..., code = 500L)



zero or more objects which can be coerced to character (and which are pasted together with no separator). This forms the error message.


HTTP status code to return (if applicable). Defaults to 500, which is a generic "Internal Server Error". This is used when errors are to be returned to an API Gateway.


## Not run: 
stop_html("Resource doesn't exist", code = 404L)

## End(Not run)